Together For Mission is a network of 7 FIEC churches situated in and around the London Borough of Enfield.
Enfield has a population of 330,000 people and is London’s northernmost district.
Many of the partner churches were planted or revitalised over the last 15 years.
A partnership of churches united together in mission
Seven local churches with a purpose, which is to plant new churches or revitalise old ones in Enfield and its connected areas as opportunities arise. We have a particular heart and focus on reaching Eastern Enfield because of its Diversity, Deprivation and Density of population. We recognise we can do far more together than we might be able to do on our own.
TFM churchesThe London Borough of Enfield
The London Borough of Enfield (LBE) contains one of the most deprived areas of North London.
60% of the community is non-British. Turkish, Polish, Greek and Somali are some of the main languages spoken after English.
Densely populated
The LBE has 4,127 people per km2.
There is a great need for many churches to reach people with the gospel.
Making Jesus known in and around Enfield
We want to be reaching the unreached areas of Enfield and its connected areas with the good news of Jesus. We want to see new churches started, growing and then together helping us to keep reaching new areas in and around Enfield. Our heart is particularly to plant or revitalise churches in Eastern Enfield.
Church planting in Turkey Street Revitalising in High BarnetLives transformed by Jesus in TFM churches
Mission Week
when: 21st - 27th September 2024
where: Turkey Street Community Church
Partnership Festival Day
click here to watch video 2024 (AM)
click here to watch video 2024 (PM)
(opens new browser tab)
Connect 2025
(camp for school years 3 to 13)
when: Monday 25th August
to Friday 29th August
Partnership Sunday 2024
when: Sunday 6th October
where: All churches
Partnership Men's Day
when: Saturday 19th October
where: Enfield Town Community Church
click here for booking (opens new tab)